Linkis HowTo – Promo Bar
Hello and welcome back. Today we are going to tell you about such an important feature of Linkis service kit as your personal manageable Promo Bar, and how to use it to promote your agenda.
Promo Bar – is a frame or panel with your info added to your links. It is located on the most notable place on the screen, so people will definitely not miss it. Using it you can show any data you want to people who’ll open your link. That allows you constantly show whatever you want to your followers and any people who just click the links you send them.
As soon as you have authorized on a Linkis web-site just go to Settings tab and choose to edit your Promo Bar. Add whatever data you might have promoted on your links. Moreover, you can change the info shown there any moment you like.
Another moment, worth noting is a theme you can choose to differ your Promo Bar from any other. Currently, there are three major themes present: Social Promo, CTA Promo or Links Promo.
Social Promo theme is designed for those users who have an extensive online presence. Its virtual showcase is perfect for promoting social accounts and links.

CTA Promo theme is a choice for anyone seeking to promote products or attract attention to specific website or blog.

Links Promo theme was created especially for those who can’t imagine their lives without Twitter – followers will see anything user shares.

Of course, you can adjust those themes the way you like and change them anytime you see fit.
That’s it for today, hope it was useful for all of you. Follow our blog, and feel free to ask whatever is up in your mind in the comments section.