6 Useful Tips For Twitter Promotion
Twitter is so much great thing for talking to people and discuss your ideas! Here are several good advices for your microblogging campaign.
Using Twitter for your marketing and promotional purposes is the wisest thing you can think of today. And what is most important – you can make your feed not look like a marketing tool. And that is how.
Choose Your Handle Wisely
At first try to avoid using corporate names and brands. People can’t communicate with some chocolate bar but they will talk to some other people gladly. Besides a corporate scent may be nice for high places but absolutely wrong for Twitter promotion. Use short and catchy nickname due to memorability.
Make Friends With Those Who Share Your Interests
A beneficial connections should be established as soon as possible. Use keywords to seek for people who share your interests. The advanced search help you look for people who will start a backbone of your audience. What is more important – they gonna be perfectly supportive and tweet exactly what you need for Twitter promotion.
Do Not Neglect #Hashtags
The # symbol is a great tool to enter a stream of people who use the same hashtag, and share your ideas. That’s one easy way to attract new people. And here’s another tip: #Do #not #use #hashtags #with #every #word #you #post. #Please. That’s ugly and annoying.
Seek Influencers
Don’t miss a chance to follow influencers somehow related to your business or whatever you are trying to promote. It is good to make friends with them. To make them see you try to retweet whatever they post as much as you can but avoid being intrusive. There’s always a chance they will eventually return you that favor. And there is a great audience among their followers who’ll definitely notice your Twitter promotion.
Show, Not Tell
People today don’t have time to read. You can pick absolutely fabulous words, but picture always works better. Show, not write. Using Instagram you can show whatever you like. And more – using Linkis tool you may not just post a dumb link but create a neat preview which is perfect for your Twitter promotion goals. If you’ll add a short text in picture’s description in Instagram you can easily send your message in the most convenient way.
Link It Up
There is nothing bad in posting as much links as necessary. Don’t forget to add your links into profile tab. And leave your contacts. You’ll never know.