Linkis Digest updates: mailings from specific users

23 Comments May 11, 2017

Linkis Digest allows you to receive users links mailings from up to three friends of your choice.

Hello, everyone! Since now Linkis Digest users may adjust the mailing to receive links from up to three users at once. That will come handy if you seek to follow different people and don’t want to miss any interesting links.

All the links will be combined in one single letter, so you won’t have to check through three different mailings.

If you want to turn that feature on, all you have to do is to go to your Digest Settings menu and add up to three usernames of people whose links you want to see. After that in your next mail you’ll receive their links.

The feature is absolutely free and can be turned on just right now.

That’s it for now, follow us for more additional info on Linkis Digest upgrades and news.