Linkis HowTo – What is Linkis
With this article we open a brand new cycle of manuals, allowing you to use Linkis tool most effectively.
If you are reading this than you’ve probably asked yourself what the hell Linkis is, and why do you need it? And here we are – using special “Linkis HowTo” article cycle you’ll become one and true master of Twitter tools for promotion.
Linkis is a service purposed for link customization and boosting social presence. That means if you need your social media account promoted, you can use all the tools Linkis provides absolutely free.
Promote on Twitter your personal website, or an account in some social media. You can use Linkis to tell everyone on Twitter about your product or services you offer. Linkis is handy to reach for new clients to attract new customers to your shop or announce a discount week in your cafe.

How it works? Well, to cut a long story short, all you have to do is to authorize at Linkis website via your Twitter account and make some adjustments we’ll mention in our next article. Since now every time you share any link on Twitter all the data you want will be added to every web page you share.
That’s it for now. Follow our blog, and if you have any questions, feel free to ask them in comments section. We’ll answer anything.